Sheffield Road, Penistone, Sheffield

To Let
£1,000 PCM


The property comprises an old end parade two storey building containing a ground floor shop/cafeteria with ancillary parts, further basement seating and storage and a separately accessed first floor one bedroom flat which is currently rented out.

It also benefits from a small enclosed flagged forecourt/seating area to the front, and a rear part concreted yard, and 2 no. car parking spaces,

The property enjoys a prominent corner position, with frontages to both Sheffield Rd and Don Street.

The property is located within a mixed residential/commercial area, being opposite a mixed-use industrial estate (Laurence Works); within a relatively well populated residential area; and fronting the main B6462, approximately 1 mile due south-east of Penistone centre.


Main sales area – 186 Sq. Ft

Seating area – 245 Sq. Ft

Kitchen Area – 111 Sq. Ft

Cellar seating/understairs storage – 157 Sq. Ft

Total NIA – 699 Sq. Ft


Mains water, drainage, electricity and gas are connected to the property.

The ground and first floor flat have the benefit of separate independent gas fired central heating systems to radiators.

The ground floor and basement have the benefit of fire alarm and burglar alarm systems.


Uniform Business Rate 2022/2023: 51.2p/49.9p in the £

Under current legislation, properties with rateable values less than £12,000 are exempt from business rates. This is subject to review by the Local Authority on an annual basis. Interested parties should make their own enquiries via the Local Authority’s Business Rates Department.

Rateable Value: £1,575



Full vacant possession available on completion


Upon request the seller is willing to listen to offers for the entire freehold interest of the building.


The property is offered for a term to be negotiated on a full repairing and insuring basis at a rental of £12,000per annum,exclusive of business rates and VAT, payable monthly in advance by standing order.


£12,000 per annumexclusive of Business Rates and VAT (If Applicable)


A rental bond equivalent to 1 months rental is payable on completion of the lease.


Unless otherwise stated all prices/rents quoted are exclusive of VAT.


The ingoing tenant is to bear the Landlords legal costs in the transaction


Retail shop/residential flat within Classes ‘E’ & ‘C’ of the Town & Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, as amended.


The property has an Energy Performance Certificate with a rating of C.


Enterprising Barnsley can provide details of any Financial Assistance currently available in this location, and can be contacted on 01226 787535.


Strictly by prior appointment with Wilbys.


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1.) These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract.  All statements contained in these particulars are given in good faith but are made without responsibility on the part of Wilbys or the vendors or lessors.  Any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these Particulars.

2.) All rents and prices quoted are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated.    

3.) All measurements, areas and distances quoted are approximate only.

4.) Information provided in respect of planning and rating matters has, unless stated, been obtained by way of verbal enquiry only.  Interested parties are therefore recommended to seek their own independent verification on such matters from the appropriate Local Authority.

5.) Location and site plans if provided, are for identification and directional purposes only.  The area surrounding the subject property may have changed since the plan was produced.

6.) Wilbys have not tested any apparatus, equipment fittings or services and so cannot verify they are in working order.  Prospective purchasers are advised to obtain verification on such matters via their surveyor or solicitors.

7.) Business rates are usually calculated by multiplying the rateable value by the pence in the pound multiplier, however this can vary subject to transitional change and small business rate relief.

Ref. No. C2  2022 2/2

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